I was raised by my mother and grandmother in a small New Jersey suburb outside of New York City. Computers, the internet, and cell phones hadn’t been invented yet. I remember playing outside on the playground until the streetlights came on, calling my mother on a payphone, and typing my high school and college papers on a typewriter. When I went to my bedroom I did not have to worry about being bullied through a computer screen. I did not have to worry about terrorist bombings or mass school shootings. I talked to my friends on the phone rather than through words on a screen. I worried about being liked but did not have to count the number of “likes.” It was a different time with different problems, but it seemed a lot less complicated.
I have a daughter in her twenties, so I know firsthand how difficult it is to bridge the communication gap between generations. Being a pediatrician has also given me an inside view to the experiences of today’s youth and the challenges that parents face. We can’t expect kids to react and respond the same way we did because their world is drastically different from our own.
In my practice, parents often looked for guidance about communication, peer pressure, and issues that impacted their teen’s self-confidence and ultimately, their success. I was passionate about empowering parents and enthusiastically would try to squeeze everything they needed to know in the 15-minute time slot. Through Dr. Liz Consulting, I can share insights with parents and teens—bridging the communication gap between generations.
"All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them."
– Walt Disney